Our weekly series of online conversations continues on the Facebook Live channel, Isolation Station Hastings.

EPISODE 3: OUR NEIGHBOURHOODS | Friday 22 May, 3–4pm
GET DETAILS HERE for a handy calendar reminder.
Join Episode 3 on Friday 22nd May at 3pm.

In this week’s episode, long-term neighbourhood activists Hazel Tilley (Granby 4 Streets community land trust, Liverpool) and Jess Steele (White Rock Neighbourhood Ventures, Hastings), discuss with host Claire Doran (RSA) what we’re learning through this crisis about how to make better neighbourhoods in future.

In Mental Health Awareness Week, we recognise that people are struggling and that neighbourliness is a key part of the solution. We’ll explore what makes good neighbourhoods, how lockdown has changed the experience, and how we can flourish together in the future.

  • How have your relationships changed with your neighbours?
  • What small things make for a better neighbourhood?
  • How are you changing your neighbourhood during lockdown?

Join us to explore how can we make neighbourliness a permanent feature of our town.

JOIN THE EVENT LIVE AT >> FB.com/isolation.station.hastings <<

We’re looking forward to you sharing your comments, ideas and experiences.