Adaptable Ideas
- 8Knowle West Media CentreKnowle West Media Centre supports people to make positive changes in their lives and communities, using technology and the arts to come up with creative solutions to problems and explore new ways of d... Read more...
- 2Street PlaySometimes known as ‘playing out sessions’ or ‘play streets’ — Street Play is a simple, effective and low-cost way for children to be able to play out in the streets where they live. Local authorities ... Read more...
- 1Kite Festival on the East HillThe situation on the East Hill, exposed to the prevailing SW winds, makes the location ideal for a kite festival at most times of the year particularly Spring and Summer. This could be profiled as a "... Read more...
- 1Traffic Free Weekends on Old Town High StreetLobby council to have traffic free weekends on the High Street to reduce noise and pollution in the Old town. This would be an extension of what has already been implemented on George Street and would... Read more...
- 1New BandstandLobby for a new Bandstand on the promenade or the Stade that could be used for music and dancing.
- 1Care in the CommunityMany people now manage their work and resources through digital platforms that offer flexibility and independence. However, these platforms can be exploitative and monopolistic, owned largely by a sm... Read more...
- 1Co-op CareTo bring the co-op model to the care provision in Hastings whereby the aging people tyup with young carers in a co-op model pioneered by in Calder Valley in Yorkshire
- 0Ecofriendly affordable homes – Saffron Lane Leicester.Saffron Lane Neighbourhood Council and partners have built the biggest development of eco-friendly affordable homes in the country. It all got started when Saffron Lane Neighbourhood Council approache... Read more...
- 0Fun PalacesFun Palaces supports local people to co-create their own cultural and community events, across the UK and worldwide, sharing and celebrating the genius in everyone. ... Read more...
- 0CameradosJoin a movement of people popping up all across the UK and the globe who believe the best way through tough times is to be a camerado. A camerado is halfway between a stranger and a friend, people ju... Read more...
- 1Money Matters - Hoe St Community Bank (HSCB)A brilliant idea - print your own bank-notes, designed by local artists that feature the faces of leaders of local projects, instead of the Queen. Sell the notes and raise £40 - £20k to the good cause... Read more...
- 0Paxton Green Time BankIn February 2008, Drs Kevin Brinkhurst and Gemma Anson, General Practitioners based at Paxton Green Group Practice considered a proposal to Lambeth Primary Care Trust for a Time Bank in this area. The... Read more...
- 0The Bevy community pubA community-run pub in the heart of Moulsecoomb in East Brighton, the only community pub on a housing estate in the whole of the UK. Open for over five years the pub provides a place for people to co... Read more...
- 0The Onion CollectiveSet up in 2013, when plans for a major development of flats on the marina quayside of our hometown in Watchet had just fallen through. Rather than witness more commercial development that had no comm... Read more...
- 0Civic Imagination OfficeThe Foundation promotes Civic Imagination, that is, a means of listening, collaboration, participation, and co-production related to projects and policies in the city, its neighbourhoods, and the enti... Read more...
- 1Hastings Tidal Energy ProjectThis supports the aim to mitigate the community’s impact on climate change by providing sustainable and secure energy, whilst also bringing employment, financial benefits for local investors and affor... Read more...
- 1Guerilla Gardening Public SpacesPermaculture terraces on the West flank of the East Hill facing Tackleway for vegetable and fruit production. Terrain is already terraced in some areas and would lend itself readily to chop and drop f... Read more...
- 1Composting WorkshopsI can offer local workshops on home composting to help people make their own compost thereby reducing volumes of organic waste disposal and helping the environment. This can be combined with an introd... Read more...
- 0Transition Town NetworkTransition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local. By coming together, they are able to cro... Read more...
- 0Repowering LondonSince 2011, Repowering has empowered communities to fund, install and manage their own clean, local energy. We believe that putting people at the heart of the energy system is key for fighting the cli... Read more...
- 0The Library of ThingsBorrow useful things for your home, projects and adventures. Affordable. Convenient. Kinder to the planet. 90% of borrowers say they now have more money to spend on things important to them. ... Read more...
- 0Emerging Futures Community ToolkitThe National Lottery set up the Emerging Futures Fund during the first wave of the pandemic to help communities process their experiences, share their stories, and start to imagine with hope, what mig... Read more...
- 1Lilac – Low Impact Living Affordable CommunityThis is a member-led, not-for-profit Cooperative Society registered with Financial Services Authority. They are building a community of twenty beautiful homes in Bramley, west Leeds on an old school s... Read more...
- 0Granby Four StreetsGranby Four Streets Community Land Trust wants to create a thriving, vibrant mixed community, building on the existing creativity, energy and commitment within the community, where people from... Read more...
- 2Incredible EdibleOur vision is to create kind, confident and connected communities through the power of food. Incredible Edible started growing food in public places just like the Transition Town garden at St Leonards... Read more...
- 1Good Food HubsOur starting point for the Hubs was to re-imagine Meals on Wheels and set out to create a new service that feeds everyone well – particularly older people and families seeking fresh, convenient, good-... Read more...
- 1Can CookRobbie Davison from Can Cook describes himself as a politically driven food lovin activist who is at heart dedicated to making sure working class people get a fair deal. Can Cook is a registered ch... Read more...